Facts You Probably Never Knew!!! - By Dhriya Ghosh
1. The last person you think of before drifting off to sleep is you or the person who hurt you last.
2. A spoonful of soil probably contains more organisms and micro-organisms than all the humans in the world combined together.
3. The saltwater of the Dead Sea is enough to make a big bouncy ball and you will not drown.
4. Kangaroos were named so because when the English visited Africa, the local tribes showed them the animals (kangaroos) and when the English asked what the animal was called, the tribes said in their language ‘Kaan-gah-roo’ which means “We don’t know”. But the English thought it was the animal’s name and thus Kangaroos were called so and are still.
5. There were toilets in the ancient Roman cities built for public meeting as well as private ones!
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