The Luxury Autos - Part VIII - By Akshaj Banik

When Mr.Dotosbong made the decision of opening one more showroom in Tomania, Benny said that it will generate more business. Later Mr.Dotosbong put a poster in front of the showroom saying that it will be closed for three weeks, however the repairing team is available.

Benny and Mr.Dotosbong went to Tomania and saw many places.  At last they found a good place for the showroom in the main city. He went to the other showrooms to buy cars for his one.

A person at the another showroom asked, "What is your budget Sir?"

Mr.Dotosbong said, "29 million dollars.”

The person replied, “46 cars will be available at this budget.”

Mr.Dotosbong said, "I only want supercars and they should be Zenotrono, Rolls Royce, Buggati and Koenigsegg. The person said okay and took Mr.Dotosbong to the garage to show him the cars. There were many cars there and some of them were the world's best supercars. 

After they had bought the cars, Benny asked, "Where will we keep the cars and how can we take them to a place.”

Mr.Dotosbong said, "I have a friend in Tomania.  He has a big garage.  There we will keep the cars and live there until our showroom is ready.

Benny said, "Okay.”



  1. Good Story Writing Akshaj From Soumyadip Bose!


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