The Luxury Autos - Part VII - By Akshaj Banik
When Mr.Dotosbong and Jimmy came back from the LSPD, they joined their family for dinner. The next day Mr.Dotosbong got a call from the head officer at LSPD.
He said, "The people who were trying to steal the bike were
the members of the Lost Gang. Mr.Dotosbong had made a complaint about this and
received security for his house, family and himself. The security was provided
by the FIB officers.
The FIB officers came with seven Land Rovers. Three guards were
for Mr.Dotosbong, his family and house. Mr.Dotosbong always kept an M416 pistol
and a smoke bottle with him. The guards drove Mr.Dotosbong anywhere as
requested by him.
Mr.Dotosbong wanted to open another showroom in Tomania or New
York City. Mr.Dotosbong said, “I will be there in Los Santos but there will be another
Benny said, "Sir you should pay for it directly and not take
a bank loan.
Good Story Writing Akshaj! From Soumyadip Bose