The Luxury Autos - Part VI - By Akshaj Banik
When Amanda came to the showroom to take the Harley Davidson, she saw Mr.Dotosbong waiting for her. Mr.Dotosbong said, "Hi! This is my new Lamborghini Terzo."
Amanda said, "No! I want the Harley
Mr.Dotosbong said, "It's there near the back
Amanda quickly went and took the Harley Davidson.
When she came to the main gate, she said, "Come let's go home together.” Mr.Dotosbong
said, "No! I have to go to the police station." Amanda asked, "Why?"
Mr.Dotosbong said that when a worker of his showroom took the Davidson, three
men were trying to steal it. They were
firing bullets and the bike blasted. That's
why the bike was in the showroom.
Amanda said, "Take it to the police station
and let me take the Lamborghini Terzo.”
After Amanda left to go home, Mr.Dotosbong went
to the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD). There he filed a complaint and the
police officer asked him to keep the bike in the police garage. However, he could take it back after 3 days. Mr.Dotosbong
said, “Ok."
Mr.Dotosbong thought how of how he would go
home. So he called Jimmy and said,
"Come to the front gate of the LSPD with the Lamborghini Urus."
Jimmy said, "Okay."
Within two minutes, Jimmy came and picked Mr.Dotosbong
up. When they reached home, they saw everyone eating their dinner and watching
TV together. Mr.Dotosbong and Jimmy too joined them.
Good Story Writing Akshaj! From Soumyadip Bose 5b