Jokes & Riddles - By Tianna Thakur


Where do cows go on weekends?
The moo-vies!

What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree 

Why did the student eat his homework?
Because the teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed.

What falls in winter but never gets hurt?

How do we know that the ocean is friendly?
It waves!

How can you tell a vampire has a cold?
She starts coffin.

Why can’t Elsa have a balloon?
Because she will let it go.

Why couldn't the pony sing a lullaby?
She was a little horse.

What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta.

Why did the banana go to the doctor?
Because it wasn’t peeling well.


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