The Helpful Man - By Tarush Gupta

Once upon time there was a kind man.  His parents always taught him to help everyone.  They said that if one wants to get blessings from God, that person must help others.

Since childhood he used to help the needy.  Day by day his contribution for society increased specially in the field of education & health. No one left his house without any help.

He had a cotton business.  His material used to go to far-off countries via ship. One day he got a big contract and he invested all his money in this but unfortunately his ship sank in the sea while his material was being transported.  He lost all his materials but somehow saved himself.

After returning home, he thought of taking help from others in order to continue the business. He went to his colleagues and friends for help but everyone refused, instead they made excuses.  Finally he came back home, disappointed.

At night he thought that he had made mistake in life and decided not to help anyone henceforth. He decided to go to another city to earn money.


Early next morning, he left for another city.  While crossing a jungle, he saw a very weak, hungry & sick horse.  At first glance he thought of not helping the horse.  However, since he had a kind nature, he gave him water and cleaned him. He got attached to the horse and returned back home with the horse.

He started taking care of the horse and within a few days, the horse improved.  His skin shone and he became very strong. The horse ran faster than the wind and grew very famous. People started coming to see him.  He started participating in the most famous races in the city.  No other horse could defeat him.  He won every race!

That horse went to many cities and recorded his victory and the old man earned a lot of money due to this and became very rich.  He realized that he would not have achieved all this again if had not trusted his instincts and helped the horse. God is always with us and we should keep believing in him.

The old man again started helping others with no desire of getting anything in return.






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